IPKall Signup

FREE  USA phone number for your DrayTEL Account
Your own Washington State number, e.g. +1 (360) 555 1234

Please read everything on this page carefully. IPKall is not operated by DrayTEL. All IPKall accounts require a valid email address in order to receive your IPKall number. Accounts with invalid email addresses will be terminated. Accounts which are inactive (receive no calls to the US phone number) for 30 days may be terminated.
When you get to the sign-up form, fill it in like this:

To sign up to IPKall, Click Here.

Important Notes: IPKall is operated independently of DrayTEL and is subject to its own terms of use. Never give your DrayTEL password to any other person or organisation. You cannot choose the number you are allocated. IPKall do not sell equipment or service, make no charges for registration or incoming calls and do NOT provide any customer service. IPKall do not offer any service level guarantee. Callers pay to call your US phone number at their normal phone rates. IPKall Service/Number may be withdrawn at any time without notice. DrayTEL is unable to offer any support or advice on IPKall services and offers referals to their service as a courtesy only. (Information correct as at 01/11/05)